Sunday, August 10, 2014

* smile * thank you thank you

I was a weekend daddy care of Hollola. Grilled delicacy, I took (read: I was trying) sun, but the mosquitoes did not leave me alone, so that's not too long could be:-(I read (read: I tried) trials, I went to say hello to the dog the boys and I spent quality time with daddy and little siblings:-) On Sunday, I was visiting Granny. The whole weekend was just lovely summer weather! Too bad that this week and the weekend promised a little colder .. I've got starts on Thursday holiday, but still should find the strength of three test read that now the source in this chapter get busy and in the evening the permit akron rehearsing,:-) PS The last food and workout diary posting will be here, Here you go Please! :-D Saturday
Snack: - Treenieväs: 2 bananas
* smile * thank you thank you <3 pretty basic jumps, cartwheels, käsinseisontoja, bridge etc. Killings cause it is lähössä summer holiday cheer camp: p Delete
but this came to mind that ootko that sort of thing, "kaikkisyöjä" you're so hates anything or on any oo allergic to? :-) Was otherwise a nice a food / workout post about! and sit still semmonen you'd love to hear from you how the Sun exam week is gone now sit you to enumerate your millasii The Offspring! :-) ReplyDelete
Now ku began calculates noit Sun training maariii, my penis was less than 10h viikos? I wonder VAA much you mite tol harkka quanti may be a World Cup medal-3 ?? But wonderfully versatile you eat! ,) ReplyDelete
Lahjattomat work out;-) noei but also depends on a lot of the week, that this very week, we have one more workout del monte stock :) and next week we are Fri-Sun camp etc. :-D + weekly del monte stock fitness workouts self-reliant;-) Delete
Sun blog is not always nii bracing jokaselle day !! :) You seem really happy, comfortable and authentic human being, which would be nice acquainted :)) NIIIIIIIIIN'd love to hear gas in with the video, ees a little piece of (someone is wearing a presentation or tan ty) .. one of my favorite blogs! <3 ps. a wonderful del monte stock summer there! Reply to Remove
I do not understand that what they videopostauksissa very appealing:-D del monte stock At least in my experience ku account kattonu some useful bloggers videopostauksia so'm hoping that they'd left them to do ..:-D But keep replays if you ever venture to;-), and thank you as well! <3 Delete
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