Scientific tests have shown that the ice branch of McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, Starbucks, Cafe Rouge and Nando's had higher levels of bacteria than the water samples taken from their toilets. feedmill indonesia Experts feedmill indonesia say it may be due to the fact that they are cleaned more often than ice machines.
None of the samples found were an immediate risk to health, but four contained such high levels of microbes that restaurants should be considered a 'risk of hygiene, "according to a laboratory accredited by the government.
Samples of McDonalds, KFC, Burger King and Nando's suggested 'poor hygiene' on your ice, said the laboratory. In cases of Nando's and Burger King, the levels of bacteria in the ice were more than double than what scientists said they hope to see in drinking water.
For testing, employees were asked to provide a sample of ice in a sterile bag. A sample of water in the toilet restaurant was also taken by a licensed professional environmental health. The samples obtained from ten branches chains in Basingstoke, Hampshire, were then sent in a refrigerated container for Microtech Services Wessex in Bournemouth, Dorset, for testing.
Experts say that the samples McDonalds, feedmill indonesia KFC, Nando's feedmill indonesia and showed that the contamination was likely to have been caused by "environmental issues" as a dirty ice machine. The result of Burger King suggested that the cause was human contamination, probably from a member of staff not washing their hands.
The results have led some of the chains to review their cleaning procedures, although two companies disputed the findings. Dr. Melody Greenwood, a former feedmill indonesia director of the Health Protection Agency laboratory, said the results show that restaurants must ensure their employees are properly trained to handle ice.
"This is a warning," she said. "It's easy to forget that the ice can carry bacteria, so find it too cold for germs, but this is far from true. Pathogens, such as E. coli can lurk in ice machines. In some cases, feedmill indonesia such as Nando's, we find twice the amount of bacteria that would expect to find [drinking feedmill indonesia water]. This is caused by things such as a failure to clean the machines and shells used by the restaurant staff. '
The samples were tested for pathogens and their total count of bacteria and 22Cº 37Cº. Higher counts the 37Cº are often associated with contamination by human or animal contact feedmill indonesia such as meat in the kitchen. Counts 22Cº raised are usually due to environmental organisms and may indicate a failure to clear ice machines.
In testing the 22Cº, Nando's had the highest levels of bacteria. Laboratory guidelines recommend no more than 1,000 organisms per ml of fluid. The Nando's had 2,100, the 1400 McDonald's and KFC test 37Cº In 1100, the guidelines state that levels greater than 100 organisms per ml showed evidence of poor hygiene. Burger King was the only one to exceed the limit with 260 organisms.
A spokesman for Burger King said: "We are working with the franchisee to investigate the situation." A spokesman for the franchisee that operates KFC said: "We retreinamos feedmill indonesia staff in procedures as a precautionary measure."
Starbucks said the ice sample, inadvertently, feedmill indonesia had been contaminated by the team when they opened the sterile feedmill indonesia bag. A spokesman said: "CCTV footage confirms that it was contaminated before being tested."
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