Tuesday, December 10, 2013

@ Jenna Jamison | 31-03-11 | 16:16 That fiasco inclement managers as Koehorst, et cetera, et cetera

Notice of General Utility food expiration dates guidelines & Recovery. In our reporting on GeenStijl dated March 30, 2010, the suggestion is that the pedophile wrongly Leo Smit Dordrecht in the PI with a jar of applesauce, the brain is broken. That is incorrect. The picture of a jar of applesauce (Hak) in the news last year (this plate so) is taking care of some confusion, for which we apologize to all the jars of applesauce Netherlands and the company chop in particular. Pedophile Leo Smit is certainly well taken by fellow inmates in progress, but this did not happen with a jar of applesauce. This was a canned pineapple in a sock, as we heard from our colleagues at NRC Handelsblad, revealing that this news last night and spent the screen shot of disinterested been furnished. [The bars are added by us for reasons of privacy red] End household communication. Other pedo news: The court in Amsterdam decided food expiration dates guidelines in a few days or Robert Mikelsons, the main suspect in the Amsterdam moral case for behavioral observation to the Pieter Baan Centre (PBC) in Utrecht needs. The court ruled earlier today that Mikelsons husband Richard Olffen also to the PBC needs for research. Pritt Stift | 31-03-11 | 15:30 | link | comments 162 Reaguursels
bubba had still had pineapple for that look. different ideas minim-armezusvan .. | 31-03-11 | 15:36
A torn ear plus some bruising still seems significantly less damage than originally reported 'brain'. Methinks some rectification food expiration dates guidelines at that point is more justified. Taggart | 31-03-11 | 15:38
@ Chef | 31-03-11 | 15:37 meekrijgen? I think there's food expiration dates guidelines more than enough prisoners are those who love to strap extra tight orbit around its Nekkie. Sander food expiration dates guidelines Vreeswijk fact been murdered in jail? Pedophile, child killer cop AND ... Worse you can not get in jail. dlseth_ | 31-03-11 food expiration dates guidelines | 15:39
Koehorst | 31-03-11 | 15:38 | Jesus, you register today, and already such a page-polluting brain-fart ... Maybe you are confused with the Nickelodeon food expiration dates guidelines forums? Marquis Damage | 31-03-11 | 15:40
The look should be censored. And soon. Besides Pritt, what we need to 't address the Pieter Baan Centrum? You are again retarded suggestions to awakening. Pirate | 31-03-11 | 15:43
People, what is wrong with this country? Our karma is getting food expiration dates guidelines heavier? Is the government the new Catholic Church. (We had a lot of creches because we need all women wanted to work but we have not thought about it carefully!) Legislation Beginning in marrying a foreign partner? (No VVGG, no marriage, or any job in government ..) Is it worse to us than abroad. Do we sit grumbling in Belgium, but it is worse with us? End of Stupidity | 31-03-11 | 15:46
OK. Bye! Ashtrey | 31-03-11 food expiration dates guidelines | 15:54
Pedo Meurs still gets his "reward" for sitting in the Arnhem city council, and as a gentleman food expiration dates guidelines finger in the pie, he also wants to keep the board bombarded food expiration dates guidelines with questions. Do not like what he's PI, but I'd food expiration dates guidelines like to read his fellow inmates for inspiration. This topic Capy | 31-03-11 | 15:57
@ Pa Cartwright food expiration dates guidelines | 31-03-11 | 15:39 There are some who so canned pineapple does not even need more. Any correlation between the sokstijfheid and the length of the sentence I can imagine. Biff Eagleburger | 31-03-11 | 15:59
Justified rectification. You do not want to be associated with this type of scum. Related unnecessarily as a brand Whether or not this Mr pedo mean, or GS may fine you for yourself. Jerry Nick | 31-03-11 | 16:08
@ Prof. DAH Vintik | 31-03-11 | 15:56 You do know damn well what the house rules say about plempen of private data reaguurders? Now everyone food expiration dates guidelines knows what I look like. Thank you. Slip Tongue | 31-03-11 | 16:09
@ Gentle giant | 31-03-11 | 16:11 'It was to include virtual child drawings and animated food expiration dates guidelines films of children being abused. Thus, the ruling means that such counterfeit material is punishable. " Weird! Prof. DAH Vintik | 31-03-11 | 16:13
@ Prof. DAH Vintik | 31-03-11 | 16:13 Weird? You may yet be weggenocideren virtual people, food expiration dates guidelines nuclear weapons deployment and complete wipe galaxies? Can the eggie not only virtual / fictional or ... dlseth_ | 31-03-11 | 16:16
Koehorst | 31-03-11 | 16:12 | Trolling is a art. L'art pour l'art, so to speak. A good troll generate a wide range of emotions: hate, anger, amusement, and often tend to start a discussion. You, however, are just pathetic. Marquis Damage | 31-03-11 | 16:21
@ Jenna Jamison | 31-03-11 | 16:16 That fiasco inclement managers as Koehorst, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera food expiration dates guidelines best served with clarity. And there you have amply provided him. Slip Tongue | 31-03-11 | 16:25
@ Pa Cartwright | 31-03-11 | 16:2

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