Monday, December 16, 2013

film lover

film lover
The secret of a healthy heart and brain lies in a simple sauce of tomatoes, garlic, onions, olive oil and corn meal that moe-vents, the occurrence of a heart attack and modanog. Spanish naunici found that popular combination known as sofrito sauce plaster as 40 antioxidants known as polyphenols, which protect the heart from oxidative stress. To feel greater health benefits, foods should be eaten together in a sauce, not individually. Polyphenols are natural antioxidant grancereale molecules that are found in various plants and their fruits. Naunici the University of Barcelona have tested a variety of sauces and They concluded that a combination grancereale known as sofrito grancereale sauce, or a mixture of tomatoes, grancereale onions, olive oil and corn flour is most effective. And what are the quality ingredients in it that's greater benefit, and one made of extra djevianskog olive oil better because it has better antioxidant properties. Naunica involved into RESEARCH Anna Vallverdz Queralt adds: "There is substantial sinergistiki The effects among the ingredients and taking on higher number of total polyphenols. Specifically sofrito plaster more polyphenols than just tomatoes or tomato juice, because garlic, oil and onion ahead for additional polyphenols. ' In addition to polyphenols, the sauce they were found and other very useful compounds including an antioxidant carotenoids. The study was published in the journal Food Chemistry.
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