Monday, September 15, 2014

In all these definitions is considered that the additives do not have nutritional value, because it

. As a consequence of the development of food technology and the need to preserve the amount of food a longer period, and the increased demands of the consumer food industry is prilagđavala offering food with new sensory features, texas health southwest a new look, a longer expiry texas health southwest dates, new tastes and the like. Significant role in these creations were all over have different texas health southwest feed additives called. These are substances known chemical structure, which itself does not consume, nor are they typical food ingredient and as a rule have no nutritional value. Added to food (and drugs) during production, processing, storage or packaging, to improve the physical and sensory properties. Since it is not a natural food ingredient, but not drugs, they carry certain health risks. Certain additives when being introduced in an amount exceeding the maximum daily intake (ADI), can cause degenerative texas health southwest changes, allergic reactions, and increase the risk of certain forms of cancer and other diseases. Therefore, the use of additives in food and pharmaceutical industries should be under strict legal control and subject to constant texas health southwest checks. From the legislative point of view, every food additives must be usable and acceptable texas health southwest function or property to its use was justified. Acceptable additive texas health southwest function texas health southwest is considered to be an improvement of the quality attributes, prolonging shelf life, improve texture and organoleptic properties, increased nutritional value, creation and improvement of functional properties, facilitating the processing and increase consumer acceptability. The use of additives for the purpose texas health southwest of concealing damage or spoilage as well as deception of consumers is strictly prohibited regulations governing their use. For most additives, there are natural analogues, which are often commercially produced from natural sources. Such, for example, pectin, texas health southwest antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, natural colors and natural flavors.
Health safety and food security are becoming unconditional demand, as consumers such legislation. Food safety programs are directed at controlling food proactive preventive approach based on the principle "from texas health southwest farm to table" (eng. From farm to table approach). This approach is to gain control over all steps related to the production, storage, storage, distribution and preparation of food based on control methods of food production and monitoring compliance. The presence of harmful substances in food is inevitable and it is therefore necessary to determine the maximum allowable share of such substances in a particular type of food. . Definition of additives
The literal meaning of the word involves the addition of an additive. Additives or additives are substances or mixtures of substances which are not food nor their nutrtijenti, but are added to foods during production, processing, storage, packaging and transport to increase the qualitative properties (appearance, taste, odor, color, structure, durability foods / products ). These are unnutritious substances added to food intentionally in small quantities in order to improve their appearance, aroma, texture and Sustainability. Under the additive is podrazuniijeva any substance normally consumed as food, and no characteristics of the food ingredients and has no nutritional value.
In all these definitions is considered that the additives do not have nutritional value, because it is generally negligible or of secondary importance. "Nutritional value" is often reduced to the nutritional properties of proteins, carbohydrates texas health southwest and lipids as well as the energy value of food. Most additives no energy value, but may have significant biological activity, or regulatory barrier function (vitamins, minerals and natural pigments), constitutive (minerals, amino acids) and energy value (natural sweeteners, edible acids, etc..). Although they have a number of E additives are often not considered nutritional supplements - substances to improve the nutritional value of foods (vitamins and minerals). texas health southwest Additives are not considered a base for chewing gum because it can not enter into the digestive system of the body except the mouth, and after using ejected from the mouth. Pectins as hydrocolloid substances used in the gelling agent include additives. However, certain pectins as "liquid pectin", which comes from dried apple pomace (the pulp) or peel of citrus fruits or their mixtures, which are obtained by the action of dilute acid and partial neutralization, are not considered additives. texas health southwest These are the raw materials for production. Also, certain starches texas health southwest and dextrins are not considered additives. They are white or yellow dextrin (E 1400), fried or dekstrirani starch, starch modified by acid (E 1401) and bases (E 1042), bleached starch (E 1043) as well as physically modified starch and starch treated amylolytic enzymes (E 1405) . The additives do not include blood plasma, edible gelatin, protein hydrolysates and their salts, milk protein and gluten, amino acids and their salts (except for glutamic acid, glycine, cysteine, cystine

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