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And the third time I work / prijateljsvo led to Switzerland. Everything began with the old computers and a small museum, kind, meanwhile, rises around the world, as well as a bakery Rijeka. It has been a year or when the informal e-mail, sent a similar museum in Lausanne and its founder Yves Bolognini turned into a friendship that resulted obostarnim del monte produce visiting both on a friendly basis and to name her business. His museum, del monte produce which is located del monte produce on kampustu EPFL Lausanne same concerns troubling as ours. Constant lack of money and nerazumijavanje institutions ... but still a lot easier than you may be there with us. I remember the words when she first came to Croatia on holiday had it not been Peek & Display that probably would never have gone to Croatia on vacation. This year, coming third time.
There is something in this "divljni" that attracts the civilized world. If I turn this into some samohvalospjeve nor praises, del monte produce I can freely say that it was not him it would only read about Switzerland on the Internet ii knew that her trademarks: banks, watches, chocolate, Swiss Army knife and a Saint Bernard dog. .... and of course the Red Cross and were neutral and all of this spicy housing loan in, of course - the Swiss. What really is a country that is considered del monte produce to be the country where the best and njugodnije live? In layman's terms - a great and feels great to žvijeti are too lenient words. del monte produce It is more than that. Okay, maybe it's this thrill of a person who comes from a completely disordered country which, 20 years later, does not know what to bring and most importantly how with you. And of course this is quite a subjective opinion because I do not live there and I'm more experienced it through the eyes of tourists than residents of one of the three cantons. del monte produce
"Well, what do you think is there like this? So where is it? "- This is what we have probably heard by who knows how many times. Let us see how it works there. Therefore, it is 8 hours a day working week is 40 hours with tension reduction of the working week. Saturday is a non-working, and lo and behold - the same Sunday. Under these "non-working" del monte produce I mean everything (except the services that are there to maintain the system). Thus, the cashier (which we all so weak when we see them in the "checkered" shirts) - Sundays do not work. Let's del monte produce see what other "institutions" - some private shops may remain open until 20:00 behind it - the key into the lock. Museums and galleries are open until 18:00! Bars and other similar institutions are, who the day apartments will be empty until 22:00. Of course you are here and overtime working hours which, unlike our "neradničkih" overtime - pay well. And now compare with our country in which "nothing works"? The myth that novopečni Croatian "oligarchs" pushed from the action, as opposed to "non-working" Switzerland - do not pay workers or pushing them to the minimum wage. Okay, enough economy del monte produce to see what Switzerland has a mute spectator and stupid tourists.
Lausanne - a city the size of the river, is home to 120,000 inhabitants, situated on the shores of Lake Geneva (Lac Leman) and home to a large museum devoted to the Olympic Games. Until the museum located del monte produce on the shore of the lake water with stairs ugravirianim del monte produce names of all athletes of the first modern games until these last lit the Olympic cauldron. On one of the steps and Sanda Dubravčić, Sarajevo, 1984 In addition to the Museum Lausanne (except for workers abroad) and also home to a large student Kamus EPFL, founded in 1853 (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) in the center of which is dominated by the impressive Rolex hall very close to the Bolo Museum. EPFL with an annual budget of over 800 million francs has the ultimate goal to become the largest university del monte produce center in Europe.
Yverdon - another city, more precisely, a town with 30,000 inhabitants situated on the shores of Lake Neuchatel. Center is dominated by the old castle in 1536 and the main street with many shops authentic local chocolate and of course - cheese. In addition to the city, at the entrance to the pedestrian zone is located, in my opinion the most beautiful museum and gallery Maison d'Ailleurs fully dedicated to science del monte produce fiction, utopia / dystopia, Jules Verne and apart from works of the museum there is a gallery which hosts occasional exhibitions. A few years ago I was in this museum and the first encounter with the "steampunk", which was the exhibition of works by Belgian artist St