I surfed the net and compiled articles about Filipinos and / or the Philippines. I do not know. I just feel like doing it. Maybe it's ufi filters spa a way for me to show how much I love the Philippines and it's people. It's the least thing I can do for now since I can not vote yet. Read on ....
YOU said, the government has failed us. YOU said, these laws are archaic. YOU said, the local government ufi filters spa we are poorly collecting garbage and cleaning the area. YOU said, not working ufi filters spa the phones, comedy traffic conditions, and not reach its destination the letter. YOU said, though plunged to waste our whole country. You said, said MO, MO said. E what are you doing about it? You get someone who goes to Singapore. You give her name, just for YOU. You give her face, just for YOU. Take the finest airport YOU proud to own the world .. In Singapore YOU not throw cigarette butts on the street. Boasting MO their lovely underpass. YOU pay 60 pesos for the drive to Orchard Road (like EDSA) from 5 pm until 8 pm. A return to the parking lot to pay the parking ticket if you overstepped time shopping or eating in a restaurant. In Singapore, you have no say, is there? You do not try to eat the exposed Ramadan in Dubai. You do not try to get out of the house without covering the face in Jeddah. YOU do not try to bribe an employee of the telephone company in London to fall into other people's long distance calls. YOU try not exceeding 90 kilometers per hour in Washington, and then tell the police, "You know who I am?" Why do not YOU try to spit or throw cigarette butts or skin candy on the streets of Tokyo? Why do not YOU try to buy fake papers in Boston like the Recto? Question we still YOU. YOU to respect and comply with foreign policy abroad, but can not follow in your own place. YOU cork cork on the road when you turn just on the ground. If YOU are unequally complimentary systems of foreign countries, why do not YOU be so in the Philippines? Once in an interview, the former Subic Administrator Gordon has reason she said "The dogs of the rich run and pinadudumi owner on the street, ufi filters spa then they criticize ufi filters spa themselves responsible for the failure of cleaning the streets . What would they do have responsibilities? Sweep whenever you feel poorly on their stomach care? " In America, every pet owner should be cleaned after the excretion of dogs. Likewise in Japan. Will Filipinos yun? Right. We go to the polls to choose a government and after then, we omitted the self-responsibility. We sit on the sidelines waiting ufi filters spa for care and hope that the government will do everything while we do not offer. We rely on the government to clean, but we do not stop the disposal of waste everywhere, and we can not pick up any piece of paper to throw in the trash. When it comes to social discuss such without ufi filters spa being faithful in marriage, unwed mothers, sex without the blessing of the marriage, and so on, noisy protesters but we still continue to do it. Once we are mangulila when we are outside of the country, we seek solace in others, usually fellow Filipinos as well, which we think is our duty to our commitment to our families we were last here. Then we blame the government when we see the youth violence, drug addiction, etc., while we started to disregard the needs of our children the true guidance and parenting. We said, "The whole system needs to change. What if I do not change my family?" E who would change the system? What are sankap system? Very comfortable to us that the system consists of our neighbors, other households, other cities, other communities, and the government. But excluding YOU and ME. When it comes to having a positive ufi filters spa offering our system, we locked ourselves, and our families in a safe nest and look you in remote areas and countries and is awaiting a Mr. Clean to come and deliver miracles. Or we migrate. Like lazy cowards who can not silence our fears, we run to America to partake in their glory and praise their system. But I became ufi filters spa involved in New York we go to Japan or Hong Kong. Nagkahirapan to finding a job in Hong Kong, we immediately boarded the next plane to post
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