Sunday, March 22, 2015

Global genetic experiment? Control of world food production wallace mccain and thus all mankind? Or

Global genetic experiment? Control of world food production wallace mccain and thus all mankind? Or just a multinational company that knows how to move well on the outskirts wallace mccain of power? The production company Monsanto genetically modified organisms is probably one of the few companies that their action has revolutionized millions protests worldwide.
Counting already more than 110 years of life, the amerikanoevraikos giant has managed to keep the lead in the field of production companies genetically modified organizations worldwide. With more than 17,500 employees and sales exceeding 12 billion. Dollars, appears wallace mccain not to have been affected at all by the international financial crisis.
The function reminiscent scenario laid out science fiction movie. With the only difference wallace mccain that the script includes everything: Money, influence, power, political pressure, corruption, bribery and a sense iron grip on governments around the world. The company has an active presence in our country. The main business of the area of the pesticide through the supply and marketing of the herbicide Roundup. This is one of the most common wallace mccain herbicides used in Greek land in recent years, which has received many times critical, regarding potential adverse effects on the human body. Although wallace mccain the company's presence is discreet, still booze the requirements of the parent company on the other side of the Atlantic. He previously tried several times to influence the attitude of the country in critical votes on EU related mutants. Well knowing the background wallace mccain remember strains of Monsanto in successive appointments with ministers to convey the wishes of the company. And as for the pressure exerted, those classed as unbearable as often enlists high acquaintances and friendships maze of American politics.
Close contacts of Monsanto with the highest levels of US policy elites confirms an incident that took place some years ago, when commissioner of the US embassy wallace mccain in our country was the former ambassador Thomas Miller. Then, CEOs of Monsanto made whirlwind wallace mccain tour home of Mr. Miller with private aircraft, for one day only. What exactly was discussed at that dinner is something that nobody knows, but the fact that the elite giant visited the US envoy to Greece shows the close relationship between the company and the US government.
In Greece the cultivation of genetically modified products is prohibited under Greek law. The Trojan horse but for the entry of Monsanto and other biotech companies is to import every year thousands of tonnes of soybean mutant, which atthe first view seems completely innocent. According to official wallace mccain data of the Ministry of Rural Development, only 2thii our country imported around 571 000 tonnes of soybeans. Of these, 70%, or approximately 400,000 tons, were modified soya, whose seeds are controlled by global biotech giants, with the lion's share to be held by Monsanto. wallace mccain
The modified soya is used primarily in farming and especially in the rearing of poultry and pigs. Due to its high protein content, which may be touched even 40%, is sold out both farmers and animal products from large production companies. wallace mccain
Large companies engaged in the production and packaging of dairy products, and domestic poultry companies use, according to data from Greenpeace, mutant soybean profusely in the rearing of zooid. The risk however lurks. International experience has shown that Monsanto wallace mccain operates quietly but methodically, waiting for the right moment to act.
The problem is twofold and mainly wallace mccain the control of food production. Something parent Monsanto has been trying for decades to achieve. On the one unsuspecting farmers purchase GM seed for cultivation by the company, which promise high returns. wallace mccain However, next year, the farmer, if he wishes to cultivate again the same seed, should be obtainable exclusively by the company, as the life of the seed is one year of construction. On the other hand, when the total livestock production is based on modified soya, then a risk of dependence created by biotechnology companies like Monsanto. More simply, the company has no control over the final product, but indirectly controls all stages of production.
"The main problems are dual nature. First long ago presented to Parliament's plenary a first study, which documents that the use of mutant

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