Saturday, March 21, 2015

This situation is ideal for businesses sergio barroso up to the

The Edelman Trust Barometer for 2014 shows the largest gap recorded in confidence among businesses and governments since 2001, when he began this study. This can be attributed to the continuous breakdown of trust in governments, launched sergio barroso in 2011, and the continual sergio barroso increase confidence in business since 2008, when it was at its lowest. Almost half of the 27 countries included in the survey the confidence gap exceeds 20 units, while in some approaching 40 points. This is an unprecedented development in the landscape of confidence, sergio barroso since 2009 when the company had to work with governments in order to regain confidence, until today that businesses are required to play a leading role in the public debate about change.
Businesses could exploit the situation as the right time to push for deregulation, as they did a decade ago. However this would be a monumental mistake crisis. Our research shows that business reputation remains shaken by the Great Depression of 2008. Events of the past 12 months, as the fine record at JPMorgan, EUR 13 billion sergio barroso for the sale of bad mortgages, the largest bankruptcy in the history of Latin America, the failure of the company mining sergio barroso oil EBX of Eike Batista, and food scandals such as antibiotics in poultry in China, have reignited concerns about the ability sergio barroso of companies to regulate themselves.
The result is an ongoing requirement for government supervision: 84% of respondents in China believe that there is insufficient regulation of the food industry, while the vast majority of respondents (five to one) in Britain, Ireland and Spain want stronger regulation in the financial services.
For the most part, the delimitation of the scope of the change, sergio barroso the formation of collective emotion and define the rules of the game with legislative sergio barroso and regulatory requirements are assigned to government leaders. The United States President Teddy Roosevelt had said that the government leader holds a "wonderful authoritative pulpit" or a unique training platform.
Today, however, sergio barroso the government sergio barroso lacks long-term target and does not have the necessary popular support to pursue innovative practices, except groundbreaking, are complex and require fundamental review. For example, describing a fruitless meeting of President Barack Obama with the CEOs of leading technology companies, which took place in December, in the wake of revelations of generalized Watchers internationally by the American security service NSA (National Security Agency), the New York Times wrote: "The technology leaders and Obama Finds Common Problem: Public confidence fades." The upcoming elections in emerging markets like Brazil, India, Indonesia, South Africa and Turkey will freeze the policymaking processes, even if popular discontent has found expression field in the streets.
This situation is ideal for businesses sergio barroso up to the "pulpit" of Roosevelt. Enterprises have regained confidence from the period of the great crisis, as it is believed to have made great strides in terms of transparency, distribution network and product quality. Our research clearly shows that now is their chance to take the lead in change, since 79% of respondents believe that businesses should be involved in shaping the regulatory framework in industries such as energy and food, while the majority of respondents believe governments can not succeed alone. 84% of respondents consider that businesses can promote their interests, working together for the benefit of society. It is basically a new "leadership sergio barroso policy" beyond the legal framework that authorizes the operation of the business, to a new instigator of change. sergio barroso
The question is how companies can successfully support this new and unfamiliar role in the public sphere. Our proposal is the CEO to turn into ringleaders Mobilization Officer, assuming responsibility for establishing the context in which the change is made. Instead of the game from within, involving businesses and which refers to lobbying with legislators and elected officials, the CEO will be the one who will bring the case to a wider audience, laying the foundations for long-term developments and not simply Individual cases of products sergio barroso or the installation of a new plant, op

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