The war for the global control of the global seed production -and ultimately the very human-survival is already a fact and it is very important for us to know, but also to have frequent updates.
George del monte peas W. Bush used the World Trade Organisation (WTO) to force Americans to consume genetically modified food. And the industry in an attempt to convince consumers, endlessly promotes the myth that biotechnology food will defeat hunger. This claim is based on two misleading arguments: first that people del monte peas are hungry because there is not enough food production in the world and, secondly, in that genetic engineering increases the productivity of food.
This type of power required by the multinational companies controlling the diet and monopolizing the arrangements for the production and exploitation of universal genetic resources would have incalculable consequences, social and economic content. We are witnessing a botanical holocaust, which does not only have to do with the profit comes from the huge volume of multinational biotechnology companies. The policy on the control of seeds is another step in the plan to enforce orgouellikis "New World Order".
The multinational monopolies del monte peas seeds already sown our future? According to the International Agency Acquisition of Agrobiotechnology Applications, areas of the planet used for transgenic or genetically modified crops increased to 215 million acres in 2001, from just 7 million. Acres that was in 1996. However, the over-concentration of ownership of technology companies GM crops are even more impressive. A limited number, mainly petro-agrochemical multinationals that have emerged from successive acquisitions and absorptions thousand seeds and plants production companies since 1980, control the world seed production and enshrine new sophisticated hybrids or laboratory genetic products. During del monte peas the 90s, the large number of mergers led to the control of the global seed market and agrochemicals from a small group of powerful players, so far: Six companies are mainly based in the US and Europe to control 98 % of the market of genetically modified (FT) seed and 70% of the market of plant protection products.
In South Africa, the only African country that has accepted genetically modified organisms (GMOs), the market for GM seeds be fully controlled by Monsanto. Across the African continent, the market for conventional seeds controlled by three companies (Ecologist, 2003). del monte peas The largest multinational -amerikanikes del monte peas and evropaikes- del monte peas that accrues also markets of Asia and Africa del monte peas are Monsanto, Dupont, Syngenta, Bayer- Aventis, Novartis and AstroZeneca.
It is noteworthy that the multinational giants Monsanto and Dupont, who announced del monte peas their collaboration to exchange technologies in April 2002, controlling 41% of all major agricultural royalty biotechnology and share 93% of the global GM seed market. The large multinational seed company, Pioneer Hi-Bred International, del monte peas covers 40% of the US market in corn seed hybrids, about 50% of the market in Spain, Austria and Italy and 90% in Hungary and Egypt. Moreover, the same company leads the Brazilian seed markets, Thailand, Ukraine, and markets a range of developing countries.
The Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI), the largest group of chemical KON of Great Britain, is today one of the biggest seed suppliers in the world. Within just five years, ICI was one of 'the most important factors of the US market. Indicative is the fact that, with the help of another British giant of British Petroleum, in the period 1985-1990, ICI had devoured toulachioion 11 of the largest seed companies. These giants-companies coordinate their actions having created political lobbying lobby governments in Asia, America, Africa and Western Europe, monitor research at universities and promote their interests through global institutions such as the World Trade Organisation ( WTO). Many faculties are maintained with donors and any criticism del monte peas of biotechnology means withdrawal of the grant of companies. Therefore there is a great difference between the results of studies financed by the companies and from independent studies. Thus. corporate domination, "validated" by international trade agreements that impose the marketing of products, which WARNING
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