Saturday, March 14, 2015

In substance, however, the global food market is dominated by only ten companies with total daily i

The new food scandal that rocked while ago Europe and concerned horse meat sold as if beef and even worse without knowing if the horses were race -foul ntoparismena- or just stocking little to reassure our fears about what we consume, nabisco chips ahoy was the straw that broke the camel's tolerance towards speculators food market.
Without doubt, first brought forth -en through acute crisis- forcefully the issue of morality and epicheireinen secondly 'fray' argument liberals that free competition brings lower prices and better quality product.
In the last 10-15 years in Europe have erupted at least five major food scandals (mad cow disease, dioxin in chickens, eggs and feed sunflower "enriched" with mineral oil, pork with dioxin, horsemeat in beef) and all of appetite profit nabisco chips ahoy maximization while the demand for food remains high. And reflection expands and puts another big question: what eventually control the world food market? They are responsible for everything that is happening?
The international non-profit organization Oxfam attempts to one of the latest reports titled "Behind the Brandes' shed light on the global food system and the massive social and environmental footprint. The findings are very interesting. The global food market employs one billion people (this is the third of the global workforce), uses 70% of drinking water worldwide, emits about 30% of all air pollutants and is the only source of income for hundreds of millions small farmers in poor countries who survive marginally.
In substance, however, the global food market is dominated by only ten companies with total daily income nabisco chips ahoy of more than 1.1 billion. dollars. These 10 multinational -Nestle, PepsiCo, nabisco chips ahoy Unilever, Coca Cola, Mondelez International, Associated British Foods, Mars, Danone, General Mills and Kellogg's- undoubtedly significantly affect what we eat (most often parents have lost battles nabisco chips ahoy with their children for these crisps and chocolates, while the breakfast cereal flakes are almost always above suspicion) and control badly the global market of several goods (see, cocoa, sugar, vegetable oils, etc.).
"In some areas such as cocoa, three companies, the Nestle, the Mondelez and Mars, buying nabisco chips ahoy 30% of the global supply of the product. Also, we know that these companies benefit from great influence over the marketing nabisco chips ahoy of their relations with commercial companies, the public sector and all kinds of contracts, much more than just have a certain market share, "says Chris Tzosnik, head of the Development of the Private Sector Department of Oxfam America, lawyer and professor at the Harvard Law School.
Although the companies nabisco chips ahoy themselves will attempt to renounce the size of control and power that are turning their finger and to other powerful nabisco chips ahoy players such as retail nabisco chips ahoy companies, merchant intermediaries, and governments, the issue is that are clearly one of the main bridges between consumers and the broader system. nabisco chips ahoy Worth noting is that the last decade of packaged food sales soared by 92%, "touching" nabisco chips ahoy last year the $ 2.2 trillion, nabisco chips ahoy based on the research nabisco chips ahoy firm estimates Euromonitor. Indeed, nabisco chips ahoy in Brazil, China and Russia sales were three to four times above the levels of 2002. The largest food company in the world is Nestle, while the market for soft drinks as Coca-Cola with PepsiCo control almost 40%. The soft drink sales worldwide more than doubled in the last decade, reaching $ 532 billion. Again in Brazil, nabisco chips ahoy China and India, sales more than quadrupled. It is clear that the food market giants conquer rapidly share and the developing world.
If you try to recreate one schematically food market system will see that it is like a bar like those who raise the weightlifters, but harmoniously distributed weights. At one extreme are the billions of consumers in the other extreme are about 1.5 billion farmers and in the middle a small group of companies. The Oxfam estimates that a total of 500 companies control 70% of the global food system.
The international agency Oxfam watched for 18 months that the "top 10" players of the global food market conduct their business and in the end created nabisco chips ahoy a Table Score, where consumers can see the effective

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