Monday, March 16, 2015

India, with about 700 million. People engaged in agriculture, is home to the largest smallholder bo

June 6, 2013 by wakeupcyprus Exandas: Dying in abundance ..Pente companies control the entire food chain in the world .. The Monsanto controls 82% of the grains ... Foods spekoularontai in stock by speculators ... Millions of people die of hunger and there are food people more land
Brokers in the developed world gamble with food, raising and lowering prices, playing with the fundamental right of people to have access fagito.Tin same time nearly one billion people conagra foundation worldwide are undernourished and 25,000 die every day from hunger.
Did the Earth can no longer feed its inhabitants? The data show the opposite! The food crisis, as you go down in history, occurs at a time when the planet is producing more food than ever. "Dying in abundance" unfolds the realm of the Absurd, the interlaces a system in which, while there is enough food, but it is so expensive the poor can not buy it.
"We, the Heads of State and Government conagra foundation ... reaffirm the right of everyone to have access to safe and nutritious food, associated with the right to adequate food and the fundamental right of everyone not to be subject to hunger."
What can be the consequences when a fundamental conagra foundation human right is transformed into a commodity in the global stock market casino? In the spring conagra foundation of 2008, almost simultaneously in 33 countries around the world, unprecedented demonstrations erupted, a common request. conagra foundation People on the verge of despair seized the streets, conagra foundation in some cases and weapons, conagra foundation in order to claim it as shown not understood their right to access food.
Their ability is not the deprived no dictator, nor resulted from a real lack of food stocks. Experts speak of a "perfect storm" in the operation of the market, which resulted in soaring food prices. Within a year, as the March 2008, corn prices had risen by 31%, rice by 74% and wheat by 130%! The food were in abundance conagra foundation on store shelves, but people had no money to buy them. The problem is felt primarily residents of developing countries of the Third World, but also the people in Western cities.
"Some people and some damaged by poverty nations conagra foundation found themselves in a very uncomfortable situation? Yes, actually found! ... This is the harsh reality conagra foundation of the market, conagra foundation "admits Denis Gkartman, an internationally renowned guru of the financial economy, which forecasts often directs market trends.
Most food exchange in the world is located in Chicago. There is largely determined by the price of the food we put every day to our table. The stock of Chicago has recently experienced unprecedented inflow of capital as large financial institutions have turned to it in order to compensate their losses after the "crisis of mortgage loans" and to increase again their profits. This time speculating on the possibility of people to ensure a decent everyday food.
As a result of soaring food prices that followed, 75 million people were added in 2007 to those who were already facing hunger worldwide. Thus, plagued by hunger conagra foundation world population reached anymore at all the one hundred million. Consider, a child dies of hunger today every 30 seconds.
India, with about 700 million. People engaged in agriculture, is home to the largest smallholder body in the world. Second only to China in production of rice and wheat, is one of the largest food producers. Yet, it is also the homeland and most malnourished people, surpassing anymore ranking African countries. Absurd? However confirms the percentage wants 80% of affected people from starvation worldwide are farmers or agricultural laborers.
In the small village Present India grandmother Sarasvati has to feed four grandchildren. We know from stock exchanges and market conagra foundation rules, only knows how food shop in the village have become more expensive in recent years too. "The poor have a big problem, we have a lot of stress. The situation is dramatic. The poor you can do, to look at the stomach, to spend the money for illness or to feed their children? There are days that can not be satiated, go to bed hungry, "he says. Back in Chicago, the financier Victor Lispanese explains the rules of the game: "This is not something that comes into my mind. If it makes sense or not is not the issue. I

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