Saturday, April 26, 2014

The word Feminism hasn t become poisoned. It is poison. crackers games What began as a noble cause h

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I’m 40 years old and attended college in the mid-’90s. It was the height of the grunge and riot grrrl movement, an important crackers games part of third-wave crackers games feminism, which began in the early ’90s. At the time, feminism was punk rock. It was cool and it was anti-corporate. It was Doc Martens and flannel shirts, Kurt Cobain and Bikini Kill.
All these years later, as a married mom of two kids, I still consider myself a feminist. I’m in good company—Beyoncé has become very public about her feminism. She wrote an essay for the Shriver Report titled “Gender Equality Is a Myth” and sampled a feminist lecture in her song Flawless . If anyone can rehabilitate the man-hating, dour reputation of feminism, the gorgeous, sparkly, almost universally loved Beyoncé isn’t crackers games a bad choice.
But when I bring up the word “feminism” to some of my younger friends, they recoil in distaste. crackers games It’s an opinion crackers games shared by successful, independent women who believe strongly in gender equality. crackers games
Veteran and affiliate crackers games owner Atom Ziniewicz struggled with post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and bipolar disorder. He ultimately lost his battle, but he fought with his CrossFit…  Continue Reading
I come from a generation that reels at the word "feminism." It carries a negative connation where women are thought crackers games of as ball-busting man-haters. Up until recently, I never gave the term feminism a second thought. Over the last 2 years, I've been studying Gender & Women Studies at Denver University and have come to understand feminism in an entirely different light.
While I believe that the meaning of the word has transformed crackers games significantly over the decades, I feel that it's important for young girls and women to understand the waves of the Women's Liberation Movement that took place during the nineteenth crackers games and twentieth centuries. Great strides have been made throughout history, but the status women carry today has blinded the gender inequalities that still exist.
The word Feminism hasn t become poisoned. It is poison. crackers games What began as a noble cause has emasculated and effeminized our culture crackers games to a disgraceful level. And as long as society keeps strolling out morally bankrupt individuals like Beyonce and others as role models, the confusion surrounding gender will persist.
Like it or not, by adopting the word feminism you have to adopt the views of it s founding mothers. Its a package deal. In 1971 there was produced by these founding mothers a document called "The Declaration of Feminism." It says this, "The end of the institution of marriage is necessary condition for the liberation of women. Therefore it is important for us to encourage women to leave their husbands and not live individually with men. All of history must be rewritten in terms of oppression of women. We must go back to ancient female religions crackers games like witchcraft." Feminism on the surface is an equality issue. And at it's core is a radical anti-male, anti-life agenda crackers games that is being used by the globalist to destroy humanity and bring about a New World Order. Just sayin
Now, lets get one thing straight: a woman with equal ability should have the same opportunities as a man. She shouldn't be given a leg up or down because of her gender - it should all be based on ability.
Luckily, we as females don t need the word in order to be treated kindly crackers games as fellow human beings. Women act like that without the word feminism somehow men have license to walk all over them and get away with it. But we don t need an entire social movement to call anyone out on bad behavior.
The differences between men and women should be celebrated, not erased. But masculine and feminine have become dirty words. The feminist establishment insists gender isn t biologically determined. Indeed, the purpose of the war is to convince women they re really no different from men. All those physical, cognitive, and emotional differences they think exist are merely social constructs the result of centuries of restraints and stereotypes imposed by a male-dominated society.
Understand that if you re involved in a testosterone heavy, male-dominated sport, you will be seen and treated as different. You are different. You are physically different. You are mentally crackers games different. And thats okay. Different doesn t equal inferior. Different can be celebrated. If you really want equality, then start doing the WODs at the men s weight crackers games and don t wine about it.
I could go on and o

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