Sunday, November 24, 2013

But I gave him when he gave me Pokemon compensation. After all, the main reason for the enjoyment o

Story 3: Coach crazed / fan
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After all, we have come to enjoy what this game has to offer. At least I am. I just started to play and thousands of words have not been read. If there is one thing I wanted to Professor Oak before he gave me my first pokemon this old man would leave me alone. I mean, how man can dig! "Hello, Welcome to Pokemon! I'm Professor Samuel Oak and" did not care about you Professor! Just let me start, Rebac!
But I gave him when he gave me Pokemon compensation. After all, the main reason for the enjoyment of the game is Pokemon is that they do not drill intelligence. I do not have to talk to them and get explanations and questions the answer to which can only be "yes" or "no", even though you answer "no" they never will, and continue to ask over and over like I was a working poor that he had no choice, and even the right to speak , then I could never string a sentence between all these excavations.
Pokemon die for me. This is fun! See them fight and suffer in silence, dead and dying future as they grow stronger, just for me! They do not have any complaints or requests;, I can read his pokemon "donkey's ass" and he will be obedient as a German soldier.
So forgive that professor, and my mother, and all the other worthless people who think that because all they can do is determined by the programmers of the game, allowed them getting brinkers food bv to my brain. You could even say that I started this journey on the right foot, mostly because I read my Lblbazor "lump of crap" and had no complaints.
The institute first and second Cfcfti so easily that even I did not have to stop the game in the middle and save. Even crap has evolved once in the middle. After all it is not a problem winning fish and rocks. Fish need to get out of the water, and stones have just ... do not touch them. They have been to remain silent.
Fucking garbage cans! As if I have not enough! I need to keep my head and digging brinkers food bv through garbage cans and waste inventory stools like I'm some homeless. brinkers food bv It's supposed to make me somehow towards my next adventure! Because if it is, no thanks! If this is the case then I see at the next I'll have to fart on which button is pressed hard enough to and I can move somewhere beyond poor.
But I did it. After all, I have a free choice at all in this game?? I rummaged through garbage cans for several minutes until I finally found the switch. I was so happy! This is going to end! So when I spread smiles to all the coaches who were silent and looked at me blankly, then looked into the trap. Of course it was not a switch.
What's the hell?! Not enough where I was forced to rummage in garbage brinkers food bv cans and fill my hands poo of a Pokemon, now I have to start all over again! I became in a few minutes a good coach and a tremendous rag poor looking a button through rubbish bins.
After about two years I got a leader. After some digging unnecessary battle began. Of course I could not help but wonder why I can not demand the tag without another battle leader kidnap claim any insult I moved here, or why the hell I hold my hands full Hfokdorim poo. But after all I'm just another working poor play this game, without any option except what the programmers had planned for me. That is if there was any point in the game where I will stand above the volcanic crater and asked me "you want to jump?", If I tell them no they will ask something brinkers food bv like, "You sure you do not want to jump?" And force me.
The only thing that made me happy this is crap at my evolved Lonoseor. And it's not something. I did not care about the badge Hmafn form of lightning I have to abuse my body for him, and I did not care that this leader greeted me or gave me a stupid attack. Really wanted to give him a slap and muck it all clean and well-groomed beard he has. Interesting that in order to move to where he did not have to look for cans!
And now looks like a king crap jokers. brinkers food bv I'm sure he can compete brinkers food bv Vslaking this title, maybe even win. I would not say it's cruel, more like one is going to stick wahad burp and make me die stench. As if that was not enough for me!
Posted on: October 17, 2013 at: 8:39 PM
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