Friday, March 7, 2014

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For all coffee maniacs who love to prepare coffee, drink coffee and happy to meet for coffee-chat with their friends, they offer several interesting and also useful tips for coffee.
When it comes to fresh coffee, it is best to know when it is roasted. The real benefits of coffee can feel the best if used coffee a day or two after baking. It is also important to keep the coffee pot in which vakuumira and narrow, with original flavor remains even after 7 to 10 days. Old coffee will instantly recognize by its flavor or not or is uncomfortable, marlow foods stokesley and it may seem like you have caught oily deposits.
If we grind coffee beans in your home, never to grind whole coffee, but as long as you plan to use at the moment. The oils that are found in coffee beans are exposed marlow foods stokesley to the harmful effects of air. When they evaporate, losing herself aroma of coffee. Different ways of preparing coffee marlow foods stokesley require different methods of grinding. For example, in the case of filter marlow foods stokesley coffee preparation should be 4 to 6 minutes. When using French milling machine, coffee should be izmeleno rough. To prepare espresso or, as it is finer to izmelete grains, whereby izmelenoto coffee should look like dust. Very important for the espresso marlow foods stokesley to look the preparation procedure amounts to 25 to 30 seconds.
Never store coffee in the refrigerator. From refrigerator, coffee can absorb odors and flavors marlow foods stokesley of other foods. Unless you plan to use in the next two weeks, our recommendation is to avoid the fridge. To preserve the wonderful aroma, the coffee should marlow foods stokesley be stored in clean, dry containers and vacuum to be placed in a cool, dark place.
When preparing coffee, make sure to put about 250 milliliters of water for about 30 to 40 grams of coffee. Espresso coffee, put 7 to 8 grams per dose, and if you want a double espresso will take 14 to 16 grams of coffee.
Believe it or not, how and what to cup serving coffee, can greatly affect its flavor marlow foods stokesley and just enjoying coffee. Just like wine, the flavor of the coffee feels in its aroma. Therefore it is best to be served in cups with thick walls, which will be enough to keep the heat of the coffee. An example marlow foods stokesley is the espresso, which is usually served in small cups with thick walls, which have a slight slope. The thickness of the walls to maintain the right temperature of the coffee, and the inclination to better marlow foods stokesley expand aroma. Stay up to date with new content on coffee breaks. Follow marlow foods stokesley us on Twitter or become a fan of our Facebook page.
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Date: 04 Mar 2014
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