Sunday, March 2, 2014

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Oslo, Copenhagen and Stockholm's most expensive cities for shopping in the world | del monte meats pocatello
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The capitals of Norway, Denmark and Sweden - Oslo, Copenhagen and Stockholm - are shopping for the most expensive cities in the world, according del monte meats pocatello to an international study prepared by site "Prajsraner". This site comparing prices examined how 25 different products appear in 32 cities worldwide.
One coffee, for example, del monte meats pocatello in Stockholm cost 35 Swedish del monte meats pocatello crowns, or about 4 euros. Only four cities have expensive del monte meats pocatello coffee in Stockholm, and the worst in Copenhagen, where a cup of coffee on average cost about 5 euros.
London is placed in the middle of the list, the 13th place, and New York is the 19th, and a third on the list of cheapest cities is Warsaw. Cheapest city according to the results of the said examination is Bombay in India.
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