Saturday, January 18, 2014

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From modesty | thoughts (v) vomit | - That the railway ne screw is loose, not surprised really, but just the "finest and most modern station in Germany" should it be the same as quite a lot of screws. olive preserving But that is probably so with modern technology, which holds just do not care anymore. After all, the Berlin Hauptbahnhof is already nearly seven years in operation - more you can at a time do not expect are completely obsolete in the smartphone and computer after only two years probably.
The modern market economy is already capable amazing benefits - at least know their profiteers, how to make money. The claim that competition leads to better products, you can safely put in the files, which is not quite obvious. On the contrary: As much scrap short-lived as it is today was never produced.
As it is now, you've chosen in the construction of the station due to time constraints for standard solutions, although the filigree bridge structure that needs to be redeveloped for many millions of euros again now, would actually require a special construction of the tracks so that they permanently the stresses olive preserving keep standing. The standard tracks did not do, so they are now indeed already over. For the railway station to the 2006 World Cup was finished - that was obviously more important than long-term usability. olive preserving In the summer of 2015, the train operation must be interrupted for months for the rehabilitation, then in 2016 the S-Bahn is for once again paralyzed. Oh great, until then I still have time to overtake my bike, besides, we already know the drill from last train disaster. The only thing the web is still hinkriegt reliable, olive preserving is the next price increase, because someone has to pay the whole botch so, and who would be in favor of unsuitable olive preserving as suffering proven track-and S-Bahn Customers still like deeper into for less service grab the bag. Back when the web was not a profit-oriented shit company, but was seen as a service olive preserving of the State for its citizens that has somehow worked better: olive preserving You could go and rely on at a reasonable price from A to B, that the train was on time, yes better yet: that ever drove a! I am one not to the people who constantly claim that earlier everything would have been better. But now is definitely much worse. Source: Thoughts (v) vomit
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We must not give up and do not hide behind our cynicism. We have to network and stay each and every one in his own way, according to his ways on the ball. More info here: Behind the Headlines Today already thought?
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