Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Is it effective? Yes, as long-term eating plan. However minus 1.5 kg per week - this is probably an

New fashion diet. Rating new trendy diets: Greek diet, "Shang-La" diet nut diet, diet for the rich, sleepy diet denim diet diet sandwich shop. Is it useful fancy new diet? What we just did not sit! Ate cabbage soup pots. Vpyhaly a nothing but protein and carbohydrates. Even counting the points ufi filters spa contained in each product - in the Kremlin ... And on the horizon meanwhile there are more and more diet. What to do? Go with the flow, subject to fashion trends? To understand ufi filters spa the dietary stormy sea, we decided to allocate places on a diet based on their usefulness for health. 1st Place - "Greek diet"
What is the point? Should eat only foods with a low glycemic index (GI), which do not cause a sharp rise in blood sugar levels, thus not contributing to the extra pounds - oatmeal, black and whole grain bread, brown rice, peas, soybeans, vegetables and even .. . dark chocolate and fruit. At each meal must include protein: lean meats, poultry, fish, seafood, milk, beans. Fats are valid only in the form of avocados, nuts and, of course, olive oil first expression. But the salt on your table - persona non grata. For best results, it is necessary not only to eat but also do aerobics every day for 20 minutes.
Is it effective? Yes, as long-term eating plan. However minus 1.5 kg per week - this is probably an exaggeration, so characteristic of Southerners. To wait for visible results have to be patient.
What is the point? Eat only need organic rich protein foods, steamed. It should include in your diet as many natural products that contain ufi filters spa calcium - milk, curd, cheese and especially cheese, fish (salmon, salmon), green leafy vegetables, and mineral supplements. We'll have to give up sugar (synthetic substitutes allowed), products made of wheat flour, caffeine, alcohol. Every day, you must devote 40-60 minutes ufi filters spa of exercise. Diet consists of three parts: ultra high-protein - within three days, a radical ufi filters spa - the next one - two weeks, sparing ufi filters spa - for life.
What is the point? The diet is based on the latest scientific evidence of a link between lack of sleep and obesity. The main thing in the method - a complete rest. To do this, follow the golden rule: only sleep in the bedroom and in any case do not watch TV, do not eat or work, give up coffee, alcohol, nicotine, learn to manage stress, more than a walk in the fresh air, every day at least half an hour do gymnastics. I usually stick to elaborate three-week meal plan. The menu - soups, low-fat dairy products, vegetables and fruits.
Is it difficult to sit on it? Not if you're a person disciplined. From eating plan can be shy, but all meals should be cooked following the instructions. However, the recipes are fairly simple, with a small set of ingredients.
To fit? Those who suffer ufi filters spa from insomnia or, conversely, loves to sleep. But this gourmet diet probably will not like: the dishes on the menu are very useful, but not very tasty, ufi filters spa like boiled brussels ufi filters spa sprouts and vegetable soups. 4th - "Nut diet"
What is the point? ufi filters spa The diet includes a variety of dishes with peanut butter, and the rest of it is low-calorie. The trick is that peanut butter perfectly satisfies hunger, so indulge in fatty, sugary and other harmful products for the figure will be much easier.
Is it difficult to sit on it? Not if you love peanut butter. In a pinch, you can substitute chopped walnuts, olive or coconut oil, avocado. The main thing - an alternative to a diet low in fat and stop feeling constant hunger and "food yearning."
To fit? Those who are difficult to curb your appetite, but not too lazy to maintain a constant calorie counting. ufi filters spa Contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. 5th - "Diet" Shangri-La ufi filters spa "
What is the point? You eat whatever you want, just to quality and fresh. One hour before each meal or take a teaspoon of olive oil, or a glass of water with a teaspoon of sugar. This will reduce your appetite and help soon enough. That's all.
What is the point? Very low-calorie diet. It consists of two stages: a two-week intensive (1,200 kcal per day plus any amount of tea and coffee) and gentle semi-annual (1500 kcal per day). Menu - food with a low glycemic index: vegetables, legumes, whole grains. To Dreaming of jeans is not dropped in disbelief, they offer a weekly small consolation, such as a piece of cake.
Is it effective? Certainly. For 1200 - 1500 calories a day - no joke. However, too rapid weight loss is always precarious, the body loses not fat, but mostly water and muscle m

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