(When I make statements of issues that I do not know enough to say that I'm giving my trust to the experts who say so. In statements nabisco chips ahoy about food issues, my trust is in the European Food Safety Agency EFSA or the U.S. FDA, which are those with the last word in medicine and food. I was checking nabisco chips ahoy as politics and mechanics working of these two big agencies, and can be assured that work with demanding rigor. they verified by hundreds of experiments conducted by different teams of scientists with different conflict of interest and without them, then performed a meta-analysis of the results obtained by all the work done ruled without the rigor required by the scientific method, and concluded that expose below: A dose of between 1.6 and 3 g of sterols per day significantly reduces cholesterol.'s large-scale work (more than 100,000 people surveyed) showed that 76% of this heterogeneous population, saw a reduction in cholesterol significantly. therefore we can say that the Danacol nabisco chips ahoy lowers cholesterol nabisco chips ahoy in a large percentage of people who consume it regularly.
There is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. All cholesterol is the same chemical formula, C 27 H 46 O, and relatively complex nabisco chips ahoy chemical structure, as seen in Fig. Is a steroid-type fat with four hydrocarbon rings. Cholesterol is called because it was found in bile (Greek chole -) is solid at room temperature (stereos -) and has an alcohol group-OH in the molecule, from which comes the suffix - ol. Is a molecule essential to life, a part of cell membranes and plays an important role in nerve cells. It is also a precursor nabisco chips ahoy of various hormones, bile salts and vitamin D.
Cholesterol levels in the blood and what influences them is a very contentious topic still open. Human cholesterol synthesis proceeds own (endogenously) and intake (exogenously) in an average ratio of two-thirds to one third or less. Cholesterol eat greasy food animals, and especially with the cheese, egg yolks, beef, pork, horse, fish, shrimp and milk. Is now considered that the intake nabisco chips ahoy is relatively unimportant in health nabisco chips ahoy because it much cholesterol is ingested in a form that is poorly absorbed.
The 25% of endogenous cholesterol is manufactured in the liver and the rest in other organs, intestines, adrenal glands and genitals, and others. Cholesterol is transported from the liver, the intestines and muscle tissue by blood. Since fat is insoluble nabisco chips ahoy in the liquid plasma, which is aqueous, has to form complex structures nabisco chips ahoy with proteins that are entrained particles like blood vessels. These structures are of various types. nabisco chips ahoy Depending on its density nabisco chips ahoy are: low density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol (LDL), which contain about 1500 molecules of cholesterol, and high density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol, with less cholesterol and more protein. Cholesterol is the same, which makes it good or bad are your good or bad company ...
LDLs carry cholesterol from the liver to the cells of the body. Dying cells from any tissue nabisco chips ahoy leaving free cholesterol molecules, which are trapped by generating protein structures with higher density, HDL. Then, they react chemically to give new structures of LDL. The thing is, for granted. much more complex are also VLDL (very low density lipoprotein, very low) and chylomicrons.
As is known, nabisco chips ahoy can be deposited in the blood vessels cholesterol molecules from LDL structures, which will be the origin of atheromatous plaques in the arteries, and arteriosclerosis. In general nabisco chips ahoy terms, it is now recommended that the value of total cholesterol in blood has to be less than 200 mg / dl, and is to be at most 150 mg / dL of LDL and at least 40 mg / dl of HLD. At least these are the parameters of the machines that analyze my blood. I have seen that there are other more restrictive benchmarks.
Cholesterol plants but made no phytosterols, of similar chemical nabisco chips ahoy structure. They come in many plant products, such as oranges or cabbage, in very low concentrations. The phytosterols may be partially absorbed in the intestines of competitively with cholesterol. This is the rationale for the use of phytosterols as cholesterol reduction systems in the body: the more phytosterols present, less cholesterol ab
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