Tuesday, June 3, 2014

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The speech contest in several languages intended to identify "excellence in the production of oral language competence", selecting and rewarding the academic year both students respective centers. Can participate in the schools owned by the Department of Education, the municipally grancereale owned and subsidized private schools, primary schools, secondary schools and post-compulsory Catalonia. In particular, the competition aims to promote oral proficiency in several languages among students in Catalonia, by speaking in public and filming presentations, to help develop grancereale effective communication grancereale strategies and useful in complex grancereale and global world of today. These can be both official languages and the curriculum, like tongues of immigration used in activities. Students Cisco Cortés sixth of the School of Our Lady of Carmen, was presented to the contest and was selected as a finalist. The award consisted of a stay in a hostel Catalonia (English) grancereale and the amount of 1000 euros for the school. The present work consisted in oral speech in three languages: Catalan, Spanish grancereale and English grancereale intervention in two minutes each. The topics selected by the students were: "The giant delighted" (Legend of Montserrat), "Anne Frank" and "Carnival" respectively.
It is not the first time this school finalist since received grancereale more awards in other competitions for years. We can only wish you from the blog and many congratulations grancereale for the work done. This article was published on May 17, 2010 by General gcasas. Post navigation Eat the world. Spoken languages. EOI makes it easy Time for English: grancereale calendar emissions
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