Saturday, June 7, 2014

Leave a note about the good reception given to the proposal of @ 3cat24 make a historical reenactme

The # 11set1714 Twitter by @ 324cat | Karma Peiro
Leave a note about the good reception given to the proposal of @ 3cat24 make a historical reenactment on Twitter to relive the siege which was put Barcelona on 11 September 1714.
Rafael Casanova (chief councilor of Barcelona. Regimental Colonel of the colonel and military chief place since November 1713), Antonio de Villarroel (inspector-general of infantry and military governor of Catalonia square from 1713) Fcesc. Castellví (man of letters, captain of the colonel preserve foods commanding the seventh company of the second battalion Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary), Peace Thoar (lieutenant colonel of the infantry regiment number preserve foods three Royal Catalan Guards and governor of the fortress of Montjuic), Josep Coll (mountain rifleman), Ramon Dardenyà (the company's Taverners Coronela Barcelona), Anthony Record (religious of the Convent of St. Augustine), Paula Muns (Barcelona, daughter of Teresa and James Muns , gardener Portal San Antonio tenant and mules), Marianna Dardenyà (Barcelona, Ramon married Dardenyà).
And on the side of Bourbon: Alfonso Gutierrez (Bourbon soldier, born in the Kingdom of Castile), Marquis Chateaufort (Luxembourgian noble origin, preserve foods as a colonel fighting Dragons, framed Walloon regiments of the army Bourbon), Philip of Anjou (Philip V, grandson of Louis XIV), Duke of Berwick (military troops of Anjou).
All the characters, as well as your comments are real, provided by a team of historians. In short, the @ 324cat publish preserve foods a special explain all the details of the project until now.
For days, hundreds preserve foods of people are still comments from people and have followers # 11set1714 preserve foods list eleven September @ 324cat. preserve foods The most interesting is to see the interaction of people: some have been blended with both recreation respond directly or casanova324 @ @ villarroel324.
It is a surprise and a set of other Internet, which only you can know who writes under the name of Francis Bellsolell (heir Can Bellsolell Tower. PhD in medicine and amateur preserve foods history).
Not if the or otherwise, preserve foods has also appeared with Joan Carles324 that the following description: "Parent aboard Philip of Anjou. It has a mild mental retardation and re dedicated to spending money from their relatives of women in public houses. " This is Guerau Mallofré friend (the company of Colonel Silversmiths in Barcelona), the Quimet Cal Ros (son of the house of Cal Ros trying to make his fortune in the capital and is in love with @ DolcaReixach).
And who is this good woman? Sweet and Besalu Rexach is the mistress of the inn road. I do not think I let any 'alternative personate' if I add, finally, to Sigismund Trotacabres (enlisted as a grenadier regiment of the Dragons-Cuirassers St. Michael).
In the coming days as we approach the size '11 September clashes with Tweets will intensify the battle but this time only virtual. (Note: the collage of characters is removed from
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My Tweets "@ MDavidMS2: PeriodismoDatos # # hyperlocal for promoting transparency in Menorca # @ @ TransparenteGob AdriaPadilla" 1 day ago RT @ Periodistes_org: Day 10 BCN presents "Doing business in Journalism" by byuste with @ @ kpeiro @ @ silviacobo saulgordillo among others ... 1 day ago Follow @ kpeiro What they say ... "This profession where ..." Never waste time ... in the workshops where I ... II Ready for the Second Conference of ... where ... democraciarealjavina Podcast barks the owner 50: ... Document preserve foods C - Bulletin on ... Ready for the Second Conference of day ... There was a scribe ... Select Month May 2014 (4) April 2014 (5) March 2014 (6) February 2014 (3) January 2014 (6) December 2013 (4) November 2013 (8) October 2013 (6) September 2013 (4) August 2013 (4) July 2013 (3) June 2013 (7) May 2013 (3) April 2013 (5) March 2013 (6) February 2013 (6) January 2013 (5) December 2012 (4) November 2012 (7) October 2012 (8) September 2012 (4) August 2012 (11) July 2012 (9) May 2012 (8) May 2012 (

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