Saturday, April 11, 2015

Once there were 4 or 5 types of ice cream and you have coped. Then the ice cream fridge expanded ne

Once there were 4 or 5 types of ice cream and you have coped. Then the ice cream fridge expanded new models with colors and combinations of colors and shapes, but at the same time increasing awareness that the purchased product satnam overseas is usually inferior product with a lot of sugar and food coloring.
So why do not we try to play at home with a corresponding range of options satnam overseas to prepare delicious and worth? We froze variety of ice cream mixes patterns, or molds silicone forms with or without a stick as needed. The children were happy to participate in the trial - starting from creation to taste. And as always, they gain experience in preparation, are also happy to eat.
Of course it is desirable satnam overseas not to add sugar popsicle However, satnam overseas if necessary, add sugar syrup sweetness that make water and sugar in a 1: 1 in this way: Please finjan half a glass of water and half a cup of sugar boil until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cool, then add a tablespoon of sugar syrup per cup of fruit puree. satnam overseas
Grind in a blender with a little water mango, remove satnam overseas the pan from the freezer and pour the mango format return to freezer until frozen popsicle.
produced by World WIZO - Early Education Department and Joint Israel tamarisk - Knowledge and Learning Center. All rights reserved

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