1819: Japanese blind Hanawa Hokiichi publishes 41 years after the assembly of Japanese literature collection of gunshot Ruiju. It initially contains 1270 titles texas vaccines for children and 666 part and the extension after the 2103 titles and 1185 parts. Cherry wood printing plates needed for 17 200 shares. texas vaccines for children A collection published in 1997 three CD-ROM recording.
... Faciendi plures texas vaccines for children libros nullus texas vaccines for children est finis / frequensque Meditation carnis Affliction est ... - ... it is not the end of the conclusion of a letter and / ylönpaldinen idea waiwa ruumin ... Ecclesiastes 24:12, texas vaccines for children translation Biblia 1642
1796-1800: Renatus Gotthelf Lobel and Christian Wilhelm Franke publish in Leipzig, a four-part texas vaccines for children book Friedrich August Leopold, Conversationslexikon vorzüglicher texas vaccines for children Rücksicht mit auf die gegenwärtigen Zeiten.
1798: The Cuban chronicler Buenaventura Pascual Ferrer (1772-1851) writes that the dance craze begins to impinge already madness. Havana held daily to five tens Ball.
1799: The German philosopher and Bergk publish the book Die Kunst, Bücher zu lesen - Book reading skills. He is opposed to reading frenzy - Leselust. Bergk thinks that the bad books to read people get sick mentally and physically books pollution.
1800s: Press the approximately 8 million books. The number of newspapers is increasing in Europe a thousand 13 thousand, the population triples. Chinese Literature 1800s until the beginning has been to quantify the world's largest.
1800s: In India, Bengal, the new printers published translations, magazines and written clubs introduce Bengali lukeneiston European literature and western thoughts, which will be to learn. This is called the cultural renaissance of Bengal. Hindi literature of Western influences come mostly texas vaccines for children from Bengal texas vaccines for children through. Gujaratin- marathinkielisessä literature and englantilaisvaikutus is large. Urdu literature, prose rises to a significant texas vaccines for children role. South Indian Dravidian-language field does not have a strong European influence.
1800 in Frankfurt and Leipzig in the books printed only four per cent of the Latin. In 1650 there were 71 per cent. The university cities of pressed still plenty of Latin books.
1803: Doctor Thomas Winterbottom texas vaccines for children publish his work An Account of the Native Africans in the Neighbourhood of Sierra Leone. The English scientist write first anthropological book, which is based on field research.
1804: An Italian scientist Giuseppe (Joseph) Acerbi (1773-1846) in Paris publishes travel book Nord Kapista and Finland. The work is on the map the places where Acerbi and Bernardo Bellotti visited. Acerbi published a book in 1802 in London as Travel through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland to the North Cape in the years 1798 and 1799.
1808: Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus (1772-1823) publishes texas vaccines for children the name of Leopold encyclopedia Konversationslexicon 2000 copies. Re-submitted edition will be published in 1812. It will be delivered and printed over and over again. Brockhaus 1820 comprises ten sections and four times the number of pages. The book printed in eight weight of 30-40 weight machine. The seventh edition of 1827-29 pushed the quick weight of the machine. Circulation 1839 180 000, when the translations are not included. End of the century appears 14 by weight.
1812-22: The Germans of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale publish a collection Kinder- und Hausmärchen and 1816 Deutschen Sage. Jacob Grimm is a book Deutschen Grammatik 1819-37, Deutschen Mythologie 1834 and Geschichte der deutschen Sprache 1848, and by 1852 the founder of the German dictionary.
1813: Utopistisosialisti texas vaccines for children Robert Owen (1771-1858) to write the book A New View Of Society - A new view of society. He changed in 1825 to the United States and buy a utopian society Rapp's Harmony, Indiana, appointed by the New Harmony. texas vaccines for children Its achievements include the first US kindergarten, trade school, public library, and the establishment texas vaccines for children of a free elementary school.
1815: Heikki Kukkonen, since Henrik Renqvist (1789-1866) publishes his first book, Yxi very remarkable history of God's Spirit Great Grace to work three Juda tytärlapsukaisen flesh. Kukkonen will be graduating from high school in 1815 and 1817 to carry out the priest's degree. He writes a dozen devotional books and writing, as well as a number of contentious hymns. He translated as sixty broadside devotional books and books, texas vaccines for children as well as engage in publishing and dissemination activities. Kukkonen grandson of Alvar Renqvist (1868-1947) is the Otava perennial CEO.
1816: Mexico City will show the first latinalaisamerik
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